Will you be missed?

If your favorite pizza shop disappeared tomorrow, would you miss them? Could you find a replacement pizza shop?

What about your personal marketing, though?

If you disappeared tomorrow, would your customers/clients miss you?

The problem with fitting in and being a cog in a machine is that cogs are intentionally designed to be easily replaceable. When one breaks, you just get another. No one particularly misses the old one.

So, here’s the question: When you’re gone, will they miss what you and your company do?

If I stopped writing my blog tomorrow would my posts be missed? Thankfully, I think so.

Adam McFarland writes me this:

I wanted to write and let you know that your blog is by far my favorite. It’s the only one in my feed reader that I jump to right away when I see a there’s a new post (I subscribe to close to 100 blogs). You do an amazing job of showing the balance between the passion it takes to run a business and the qualities it takes to have a happy and fulfilling life. It truly is a pleasure to read every post and to see you, your thoughts, and MBT evolve. Keep up the great work!

Joseph M writes me this:

Adam – where have you been? I don’t think I received a blog post from you last week (I get your blog posts via email)…I suspect you were doing something fun. I wanted to know if you could resend me the last one…if there was one.

If MyBodyTutor went out of business tomorrow would I be missed? Thankfully, I think so and that’s what it’s about.

Simi D writes me this:

I am soooooooooo happy to be back. Dude, I missed you over the weekend! I did really well. I went to the gym 5 times! My face looks a million times better (that is the first place I always see a difference).

And this and this and this and countless other emails that I will spare you of for both MyBodyTutor and this blog.

If you stopped teaching tomorrow would you be missed? Ask my amazing Auntie Anne and fellow New Yorker who needs storage for all of her retirement gifts, awards, etc., from her former students and colleagues. My mom too.

If you stopped being a student will your professors miss you?

If you stopped being a doctor tomorrow will your patients miss you?

If you stopped being an accountant will your clients miss you?

If you quit your job tomorrow will you be missed?

If your company was forced to go out of business will your customers miss you?

That is the question.

Will you be missed?

It’s not too late to change the answer.

4 thoughts on “Will you be missed?”

  1. Adam – I’ve been reading your blog for quite some time and just wanted to let you know that I truly enjoy your blog posts. Your blog is one of the very few blogs I read regularly.

    It’s really a great mix of everything. Keep up the great work.

    Thank you.

  2. I’ll second that. The least I can do is comment here and let you know how much I enjoy your blog.

    Keep up the great work. Funny enough – I found your blog through Adam McFarland’s blog.

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