The difference between inspiration and motivation and how it can change your life

Motivation is a huge business in America. There are thousands of speakers waiting to motivate you on how to sell, how to close, how to work better, how to motivate others and any other subject you can imagine!

Motivation is worth every penny.

For example, I believe everyone should (and can) be in awesome shape. But not everyone is.

The reason is because we (the people who aren’t in the shape we want to be in) have trouble staying consistent with exercise and/or healthy eating.

If you don’t have a problem staying consistent with your diet and/or exercise, you should be in great shape!

A highly motivated person wouldn’t have any problem staying consistent though.

As Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.”

But most people keep searching for more tactics. The problem with that strategy is it delays action. And consistent action is the only way to get to where you want to be.

I don’t think you can teach someone to be motivated. Motivation has to come from with in.

However; I know inspiration can absolutely make someone motivated!

I believe motivation occurs once a switch is flipped in your mind. Maybe you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and don’t like what you see. Maybe your jeans aren’t fitting the way they used to. Maybe you have a vacation coming up. Maybe a Rocky marathon was on TV. Maybe your Body Tutor wrote something that hit home with you…

Inspiration, on the other hand, is all about looking inside yourself.

If he can do it why can’t I? If she can do it why can’t I? If I was able to do this back then why can’t I do it now?

I don’t know any kid who dreams of being overweight and out of shape. It just happens. Life happens! Work, kids, friends, and on and on….

But when no one is forcing you to look inside yourself (I believe good inspiration should) and to be honest with yourself; it’s really easy to lose sight of the life you want to lead. It’s really easy to rationalize all of your excuses.

Tiger Woods has 3 coaches. The finest musicians and athletes all have coaches. Why shouldn’t you?

These highly successful people are highly motivated. But like any human being sometimes we slip up and sometimes we lose sight of where we’re going and we lose our motivation.

This is when you should:

Listen to your favorite music. Look at pictures. Read great articles and books. And whatever it is that you do that inspires you.

Know the difference between motivation and inspiration. And when you’re loosing motivation; seek inspiration!

If you’re losing motivation often then you should:

Surround yourself with inspiring and motivating people. Accomplish one small task every day. Take a look at everything around you. What’s bringing you down?

You don’t want mediocrity for yourself. You know you don’t. Don’t ever convince yourself that you do. And the most successful people I know are constantly investing in inspiration whether it’s from books, seminars, coaches, music, etc.

Inspiration = Successful!

[Some nice comments over at!]

[If you want to take your health and fitness to the next level, consider joining MyBodyTutor. I know you’ll love it!]

4 thoughts on “The difference between inspiration and motivation and how it can change your life”

  1. I must say, I really enjoyed your post. I occasionally blog about inspirational and motivational perspectives of mindset and mentality, but I’ve never analyzed motivation and inspiration like you did. Great job! It was also supported by wonderful examples.

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