Yahoo! Shine, Wes is down 54 pounds! and the Happiness Project

I was interviewed by Katie McCaskey of and the subject of the interview was ‘How does fitness relate to finances?’ It was an interesting topic that was certainly fun to explore. It got picked up by a number of larger websites which was pretty, pretty, pretty cool!

You can check it out here on Yahoo! Shine.

You can check it out here on

And you can also check it out here on

(For my devotees no need to read all 3. They are all the same interview!)

Then Wes, a man who needs no introduction, posted this. For those keeping score at home Wes has lost 54 pounds! Check out this post I wrote on October 27, 2008. Only 4 months ago, Wes was 460 pounds. He’s now 407!

There’s no doubt about it. Wes, will get to where he wants to be. I won’t let him not! He is a warrior in every sense of the word and he understands the importance of consistency. He focuses on consistency! Not the numbers.

As Tom Seaver said, “In baseball, my theory is to strive for consistency, not to worry about the numbers. If you dwell on statistics you get shortsighted, if you aim for consistency, the numbers will be there at the end.”

And that’s exactly what I help my clients do: Help them stay consistent with both their diet and exercise. But what amazes me so much about Wes (besides his tenacity and attitude towards this journey) is how self-aware he is.

In fact, the first step to getting in the shape you want to be is to admit that you’re not in the shape you want to be in! Most people can’t do that.

Finally, Gretchen Rubin, of the ‘Happiness Project’ mentioned me on her wonderful blog. You can check it out here.

Her blog has become one of my top reads. Happiness is something I think a lot about and have written a lot about. This post is really what woke me up. Because I realized I had the “I’ll be happy when…” or, “I’ll be happy if…” mentality which is very scary to me.

Life and happiness is right here, right now. (This doesn’t mean you can’t aspire or desire. I just feel as though when you need anything or anyone to make you happy, you’re never going to be happy! When you look to the future for your happiness you’re letting your life pass by which is frightening!)

I wrote about that in this post here. What I love so much about her blog is it’s all about the small things you can do everyday to make yourself happier. And I’m really grateful for her mentioning me because Gretchen is obviously very passionate about helping people become happier and I’m very passionate about helping people become happier via health and fitness. I think the two coincide a lot more than most people realize.

Finally, I’m off to Mardi Gras for a bachelor party for the kid that inspired this post. (Easily my most controversial post ever. And no Mom, I’m not saying I don’t ever want to get married! It was just a little food for thought.)

Age really is just a number

When I was a little kid I always thought adults had it all figured out. That they didn’t think about the things kids do. You know. They were adults. Everything is all good!

I think every kid believes this. I can vividly remember dreaming about what I’d be like when I was 26. Kids believe adults are more refined than children.

What I’ve learned is that adults are children with more responsibility…and maybe perspective and insight…and maybe not.

I think we become who we are at a very young age. Curious people will for, the most part, be curious their entire lives. Warm people will be warm. Trusting people will be trusting. Assholes, for the most part, will be assholes. Ambitious will be ambitious…

But as we grow up many of us lose our idealism. We forget about our dreams. We forget what we really want for ourselves.

“Reality” sets in. I’ve realized that reality is an illusion. You can make your reality whatever you want it to be. But unfortunately, as an adult fear becomes a dominant part of our life.

When you’re a kid you don’t think about reality. You’re fearless, for the most part.

For some, what other people might think plays an even bigger role and drives us in directions we never even wanted to go in.

But when when we’re young, we all think we’re invincible.

I think about how I used to drive as a high school and college student and I can’t believe how much of a maniac I was. I was fearless. Nothing can happen to me! Nothing can happen to my friends!

I look at my brother in law who just bought a quad. For his birthday my sister got him this awesome remote control car. He will always be a kid at heart. And I love that.

So what happens to so many of us? Why do so many people tense up? Harden up? Lose our ability to have fun? Become numb?

And ironically, when we’re kids we’re always looking to the future. We can’t wait for it!

So, as I turn 26 today, I think there are two important lessons that I want to remind you (and really myself) of:

One: The grass is always greener on the other side. The problem with always looking on the other side is that you never appreciate what you have on your side! I think being grateful is extremely important to your happiness. After all, it’s impossible to be grateful and unhappy at the same time! This is exactly why I ask my clients to tell me 3 things they are grateful for every night. (Although it has nothing to do with their health and fitness it has everything to do with it!)

Two. Happiness (which is what it’s all about) is right now! Not later! When we’re kids and even adults, many of us live for that person or thing or event to make us happy. “I’ll be happy when…”

But if you’re not happy now, what makes you think you’ll be happy later? And when you’re looking to the future to make you happy, you’re not living life now!

And before you know it, you’ll be an old man or woman wondering where the heck your life went…

And that thought makes me act like the idealistic and fearless boy I always want to be!

The difference between inspiration and motivation and how it can change your life

Motivation is a huge business in America. There are thousands of speakers waiting to motivate you on how to sell, how to close, how to work better, how to motivate others and any other subject you can imagine!

Motivation is worth every penny.

For example, I believe everyone should (and can) be in awesome shape. But not everyone is.

The reason is because we (the people who aren’t in the shape we want to be in) have trouble staying consistent with exercise and/or healthy eating.

If you don’t have a problem staying consistent with your diet and/or exercise, you should be in great shape!

A highly motivated person wouldn’t have any problem staying consistent though.

As Zig Ziglar said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.”

But most people keep searching for more tactics. The problem with that strategy is it delays action. And consistent action is the only way to get to where you want to be.

I don’t think you can teach someone to be motivated. Motivation has to come from with in.

However; I know inspiration can absolutely make someone motivated!

I believe motivation occurs once a switch is flipped in your mind. Maybe you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and don’t like what you see. Maybe your jeans aren’t fitting the way they used to. Maybe you have a vacation coming up. Maybe a Rocky marathon was on TV. Maybe your Body Tutor wrote something that hit home with you…

Inspiration, on the other hand, is all about looking inside yourself.

If he can do it why can’t I? If she can do it why can’t I? If I was able to do this back then why can’t I do it now?

I don’t know any kid who dreams of being overweight and out of shape. It just happens. Life happens! Work, kids, friends, and on and on….

But when no one is forcing you to look inside yourself (I believe good inspiration should) and to be honest with yourself; it’s really easy to lose sight of the life you want to lead. It’s really easy to rationalize all of your excuses.

Tiger Woods has 3 coaches. The finest musicians and athletes all have coaches. Why shouldn’t you?

These highly successful people are highly motivated. But like any human being sometimes we slip up and sometimes we lose sight of where we’re going and we lose our motivation.

This is when you should:

Listen to your favorite music. Look at pictures. Read great articles and books. And whatever it is that you do that inspires you.

Know the difference between motivation and inspiration. And when you’re loosing motivation; seek inspiration!

If you’re losing motivation often then you should:

Surround yourself with inspiring and motivating people. Accomplish one small task every day. Take a look at everything around you. What’s bringing you down?

You don’t want mediocrity for yourself. You know you don’t. Don’t ever convince yourself that you do. And the most successful people I know are constantly investing in inspiration whether it’s from books, seminars, coaches, music, etc.

Inspiration = Successful!

[Some nice comments over at!]

[If you want to take your health and fitness to the next level, consider joining MyBodyTutor. I know you’ll love it!]

Have too many passions? How to pick which one to go after

A friend of mine feels lost because she has too many passions and she’s not sure what direction to go in.

I know how she feels.

And if you’re scratching your head wondering why you don’t have any passions stop scratching. We all have passions!

We all just don’t have passions that can make boatloads of money. And most don’t make any money. But until you realize that you’re not necessarily supposed to make money from your passions you’ll keep scratching your head.

There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t feel extremely grateful and fortunate for creating my dream business!

Because I remember exactly how I felt when I was at Ernst & Young; I always encourage people to go after their passions.

But again, that doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to make money by doing so. A passion is something you’d do whether you got paid or not.

If you’re able to make money from your passion(s) you’re insanely lucky. Because, for the most part, we can’t control what we love.

We tend to love things we’re good at. But we’re usually really good at things we love. Most likely, because we love doing them (which means practicing and learning)!

But what if you’re in the minority and you believe that you have a bunch of passions that you can turn into cash?

First off, we can all agree that we’re here (like on this Earth) to have fun right?

We can also agree that Leonardo DiCaprio has more fun being an actor than the struggling actor waiting tables right?

An A list blogger probably has more fun blogging than the blogger who has 4 readers including his dog right?

And that 50 Cent has more fun rapping than the rapper that wasn’t offered a record contract right?

I’m not saying that the struggling actor or that the rapper without a deal or the blogger with 4 readers isn’t having fun.

What I am saying is that the people who are the best at their craft, who are the best in the world at what they do, have more fun than those who aren’t.

It comes down to impact. Having an impact on people is thrilling!

If you’re lucky enough to have passions that make cash which passion will have the most impact?

Although I love writing about business and marketing, I now only pursue opportunities that are in alignment with my greatest passion: Helping people realize their body’s full potential.

And I’m convinced that my greatest passion has the chance to make the greatest impact.

And that’s why I consider myself insanely lucky.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

Every morning, I write a Daily Inspiration for my clients. I believe inspiration, which is very different than motivation, is a critical component to success.

I always hear people say, “I wish I was more motivated!” Unfortunately, motivation has to come from within. I can’t make someone motivated. But, I do believe (and know) inspiration can make someone motivated.

Inspiration is about igniting that fire within.

I don’t think anyone dreams of being overweight or out of shape or tired or unhappy. It just happens. Just like we all have greatness inside of us (it’s just about finding it), we all have a healthy, happy and fit person inside of us.

We all want to be healthy and fit! We just need someone to bring it out of us. By guiding and leading and inspiring my clients along with daily and personal accountability, I make it very difficult for my clients to make excuses and even harder for them to rationalize those excuses. (Which is why I believe I have created an unbeatable program but that’s for another post.)

And you know what? Sometimes they still do. But that’s where inspiration comes into play!

I’ve thought about starting a separate blog that would just have my Daily Inspiration for each day but I’m still undecided.

Anyway, here is what I wrote for yesterday. I usually write them at 5:30 AM and whatever comes to mind I go with:

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions!”

In our society, thankfully, it’s the people who take action that get all the glory. Not the people who dream of taking action or dream of bigger and better for themselves and others.

In other words, it’s the people who do that get the glory. Not the people who want to do or talk about doing.

I had a friend in college that always said things to me like, “I was going to do this for you but…” or, “I saw this and I was going to pick it up for you but…”

Yes. The thought is very nice. But after a while, I realized this friend had good intentions but never followed through on them.

Some people believe that there is no relationship between what a person is and what a person does. This is bull secretion. Unless you are schizophrenic, you become your actions.

One of the things I really try to do is to follow through on every good intention or thought I have. Otherwise, it’s simply an intention. Not a kind act.

This applies to eating right and exercising, of course. We all know people who’ve been talking about losing weight for years.

Or, the people who say they’ll start going to the gym. Or start eating healthy. Or quit smoking.

“I’ll start next month…”

These people are going to wait until all of their lucky stars are lined up and unfortunately, they’ll be waiting for a long time!

The excuses they make and the rationalizations that go with them make sense to them, at the time. However, we know that when there is disconnect between your intentions and your actions, unhappiness ensues.

Eventually, you’ll start to see through your own bull crap and it’s going to really bother you.

I do believe, for the most part, we all have good intentions. We all want good things for ourselves and others. But we also have another side to us that’s constantly going against our true and deepest intentions and desires.

Some might call it our irrational mind or the devil that doesn’t stop whispering in our ear. “Eat that cookie.” “Just relax!” “You’ll workout tomorrow!” “Screw eating healthy!”

Try making all of your intentions into actions.

You’ll truly be so much happier. And remember, whenever you don’t want to follow through: The road to hell is paved with good intentions!


Coincidentally, President Obama talked about this during his inauguration speech yesterday. Change is in the air! And if any of this rings true, and you’re ready to make a very worth while change, you’d really love it (you just don’t know it yet), if you checked out the all NEW! So would I! I live for this stuff and I’m certain I can help you! Or your money back!

[Some really nice comments over at!]

Creating anticipation will help your happiness and productivity!

Recently, I sold a domain name I owned.

After 6 weeks of negotiating, the person interested in buying the name said something like, “Let’s wrap this up already!” Even though I got the price I wanted, I was the one delaying the closure of the deal because I was enjoying the negotiations!

It wasn’t about the money.

There was something thrilling about writing an offer via email and waiting for the response. The back and forth was so enjoyable! It was, of course, the anticipation.

The same thing happened with my new website for A very tiny part of me didn’t want it to be completed so I could say ‘my new website is coming soon…’ This way, I could just think about the potential of it because thinking about the potential is very exciting.

Anticipation can absolutely make your life better. And sometimes, I enjoy the anticipation of an event more so than the actual event I’m anticipating!

Whether it’s planning trips or figuring out your fun plans for the week or weekend, setting things up for yourself to look forward to will absolutely make you happier.

I try to create anticipation as often as possible. Even in odd ways.

For example, if I get an email from one of my friends that I know is going to be funny and filled with plenty of banter (I can never get enough banter) or any sort of message, sometimes I’ll actually wait a while before I check it. If I get a package in the mail I might not open it for a couple of days. Or if there’s a book or a blog post I’m excited to read, I won’t read it for a few weeks or hours.

Even just waiting 30 minutes to check a text message or an email from someone you’re looking forward to hearing from can work wonders for your happiness and can also boost productivity!

Anticipation and curiosity is a form of tension and when there’s tension you’re going to want to relieve it.

It’ll make you extremely focused if you set boundaries like I have to finish xyz before I check it.

Here are some other examples of odd things I do to create anticipation to get things done:

One. After I cook dinner, and my food looks all beautiful on my plate, I’ll clean all the dishes right then and there (besides, the plate of course). The anticipation of eating my deliciously healthy and warm home cooked meals forces me to get the dishes done. If I want dinner…I have to clean the dishes!

Two. Sometimes, I relent and leave the dishes for after dinner. I drink a lot of water and am constantly peeing. After dinner I usually have to pee badly but before I let myself pee I’ll clean all of the dishes. If I want to pee…I have to clean the dishes.

Three. While I’m using mouthwash, I’ll quickly clean my room. The tension and anticipation of getting the minty burning sensation out of my mouth, forces to me focus on the task at hand! If I don’t want to be in minty pain…I have to clean my room quickly!

How can you use anticipation to make yourself happier and/or more productive?

Try it. It works wonders!

[This post made it to the front of Check out the comments by clicking here!]

The All new is here and how to make this your best year!

Without further ado, I’m really thrilled and extremely proud to introduce to you the ALL NEW!! I’ll do a post later on in the week talking about what exactly we changed but for now check it out!

I also, want to help you make 2009 your most fit year yet!

So, I’m going to let you in a on a secret I discovered when I was in 4th grade. You ready?

When your actions don’t follow your desires, you’re going to be unhappy! So obvious and so simple…but so true!

I’m sure you have some sort of health and fitness goal.

Whatever you goal is, it’s extremely worthwhile because when you’re healthy and fit, it feels amazing. And life is too short to not feel amazing! Enough said.

I’ve never met someone who doesn’t want to be healthy and fit but yet, 95% of the people I meet aren’t healthy and fit!

What’s the deal? Why are so many people struggling with their health and fitness goals?

I think it’s simple: It’s because it’s way too easy to make excuses. It’s even easier to rationalize those excuses. Believe me. I know!

I quit my full time job at Ernst & Young in January of 2007 to solve this problem in a big way. (If you’re interested in reading about my story with tons of corny pictures click here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

As I wrote about in this post, you need to be brutally honest with yourself. You need to stop making excuses and rationalizing those excuses.

Unfortunately (and fortunately), we’re incredibly good at rationalizing. That’s how we make sense of this chaotic and insane world. Thankfully, it’s innate. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to function.

The problem isn’t that you don’t know what to do. Because you do! (For the most part.)

It’s the doing it – that is the hard part. The day in and day out. Meal by meal. Workout by workout. I call that consistency!

Being healthy and fit doesn’t require you to read book after book. It just requires you to stay consistent week after week.

So here’s your 5 step plan for making ’09 your most fit year yet!

One: If you do have a problem staying consistent (like most of us do!) realize that lack of knowledge isn’t your problem. Thinking you need to read the latest diet book is just another excuse. Still think you lack knowledge? Here you go! 40 free, simple and easy to understand articles I wrote.

(If you don’t have a problem staying consistent then you should be in amazing shape!)

Two: Start holding yourself accountable for your own actions. It’s a great start! However, be careful of your rationalizations because they always make sense!

Three: Change! If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. What are you going to change this year? That is the question. Yes you can!

Four: Make time for yourself. Obviously you’re ambitious and want to make things happen or else you wouldn’t be on this site! But if you don’t make time for yourself (like gym time) you’ll never find time!

Would you ever miss an extremely important meeting with your client or boss!? So stop missing meetings with yourself!

Five: By far, the best investment you can make is in yourself! I know I’m biased but throwing money at the cause is well worth it. Exercise and eating right pays off big in your quality of life! Also, figure out what you really need help with.

(I have found that most people don’t need someone to hold their hand in the gym (for $60-150 per session). What they do need is someone to make sure they get to the gym and eat right.)

Your template for ’09: Be brutally honest with yourself and stay consistent.

If you need that extra push (like many of us do), check out my company,

I’ve helped all sorts, shapes and types of people realize their health and fitness goals by helping them stay consistent.

Studies show that when people are about to do something they know they shouldn’t do and are forced to look at themselves in the mirror they hold themselves back. Consider MyBodyTutor your 24/7 mirror.

Consistency is the key to your success. And that’s exactly why I created my company. To help you stay consistent like no other company in the world.

My Top 25 posts of 2008!

First off, I want to thank you for reading my blog! It means the world to me!

I’d write my blog if no one read it; however, getting the emails and comments I get and being nominated as a Top 10 GEN Y blog just makes it that much more rewarding!

2008 was an amazing year for me. I became even more convinced (if that’s possible) that MyBodyTutor has the ability to become a real organization and I invested heavily to make this a reality (you’ll see this reality very soon!).

My clients inspire me every single day and there’s not a day that goes by that I’m not grateful for the privilege they’ve given me of being able to do what I love doing. I’ve met some fascinating and amazing people in 2008 and I can’t wait for 2009!

For 2009, I have some really interesting and though provoking posts (I think) planned. I’m really excited to write these posts and I think you’ll really enjoy them!

If you’re concerned about missing a post feel free to subscribe by email or rss. This way, whenever there’s a new post they’ll be delivered warm and fresh to your inbox or rss reader.

I thought it would be fun to have a post with my top 25 posts (in no particular order) of the year based on emails and comments. Of course, my favorite posts of 2008 are about my clients and how amazing they are.

But this list is comprised of your favorite posts! So here we go:


1. Shooting a gun is a lot like launching a business. This sort of hit me when I was blasting away at clay in the Dominican Republic.

2. The problem with most commissioned sales people. Unfortunately, I think most commissioned sales people could care less about anything but their commission.

3. The only business where it’s accepted and encouraged to brag about how much money you make. This hit me as I was working on my biz late at night and I realized every other word out of most rappers is about money and how much they make.

4. Is it that hard to wear gloves? Ugh! This still kills me. My local deli guy couldn’t wear gloves when he was making my sandwich!

5. Crawl before you walk. I get so many emails from people asking me for advice about an idea that needs at least $50k. Test first! This actually became an article in a magazine I write for.

6. How can you snakes on a plane your business? When people are used to something and they keep coming back, don’t change anything…or don’t take away anything. Add!

7. Would you buy a brand new car or a brand new website? If you really and truly believe in what you’re doing the choice is simple.

8. The number one quality we should look for in a president! I think this applies to any important position actually.

9. Will you be missed? I want to have an impact on people! There’s nothing more rewarding than helping people realize their goals and dreams! I can’t think of single better way to judge if you’re having an impact on people than this question.

Life: Business is fun to write about but I love writing about other topics that interest me as well. Just like you must have a holistic and well balanced approach when going after your health and fitness goals, life isn’t just about business or fitness.

10. How can you be a DJ in your life? This is one of my favorite posts.

11.How far will you go to make yourself happy? That is the question!

12. Why people become alcoholics? Big difference between wanting to (and having to!) get drunk on the weekends.

13. The pursuit of happiness is flawed! I examined if pursuing happiness is like being on a never ending hamster wheel to get that next ‘thing’ or for that ‘event’ to happen. Why not be happy now?

14. The two greatest days of my life so far. Once you realize the ‘why’ in your life, you’ll know exactly how I feel!

15. How to tell what someone really cares about! Ever wonder? This is your answer!

16. Why is caring so difficult? The only way to succeed is by caring. If you don’t care…stop what you’re doing!

17. Why you should never hit the snooze button again according to Tiger Woods. This was an extremely popular post and I still get emails about it!

18. What is your definition of success? This took me a long time to realize. Success has nothing to do with money and everything to do with happiness. Unfortunately, I know a lot of wealthy people who are unhappy!

19. Lessons from the happiest 81 year old waitress I’ve ever met! This is special to me for so many different reasons. Again though, what’s the point of everything if you aren’t happy?

20. How to feel like a rock star! Taken straight from my Daily Inspirations – I explore how you can feel incredible!

Relationships: Relationships and dating is fascinating to me. Who you date and who you want to date and who you actually date says a lot about you.

21. Does getting married serve any purpose these days? By far the most controversial post I’ve ever written. Of course, I believe there is a purpose for marriage. It was just some food for thought!

22. Is there really such a thing as soul mates? I used to think so. I don’t know anymore.

23. The definition of a poodle…find out if you’re one! This is something that needed to be said.

24. Why our parents are getting divorced and why you might too! I believe this wholeheartedly! If you’re not truly happy alone, no one will ever be able to make you happy!

Kids: I’m going to be an Uncle and I can’t wait! I can’t wait to see life through his eyes.

25. My first letter to my future nephew or niece. We now know it’s going to be a boy. I made my entire family cry (not at all purposely) from this and I got some really touching emails from you!

Have a happy, healthy and fit New Year and I’ll see you in 2009 ready to go!

The one and only New Year’s Resolution you should (ever) make!

First off, let’s be honest here. I’m usually hung over on January 1st. So whatever I want to ‘start’ doesn’t begin until January 2nd. But then January 2nd doesn’t feel like a good day because it’s my first day back to whatever it is I’m doing.

This year, January 2nd is on a Friday. Don’t know many people who’ve started worthwhile things on a Friday. Not a good excuse but it’s true.

So I wait. And before I ever started, my resolution has dissolved.

I don’t know many people that have actually followed through on a New Year’s resolution either. Do you? Have you ever?

Largely because most resolutions are simply wishes. Not goals. As we know, a wish is a goal without a plan of action.

But the real reason why most people never make good on their resolutions (or promises to themselves) is because we human beings constantly rationalize. That’s how we make sense of this chaotic and insane world. Thankfully, it’s innate otherwise we wouldn’t be able to function.

Every moment of every day, you’re telling yourself a story of what’s going on around you. Your boss, your friends, your job, your clients, your students and even this very blog post you’re reading!

Either you’re mentally nodding in agreement with what I’m saying (if it fits your world view or how you see things) or you’re shaking your head in disagreement (because this doesn’t fit your world view).

All day long, you’re telling yourself a story of your own actions and rationalizing it against your perceived self (which is your ego). For example, if you think you’re a very ambitious and motivated person then anything you do that doesn’t fit into ‘being ambitious and motivated’ like watching endless hours of TV, or procrastinating for days on something pressing then you’ll rationalize that.

“Well, I need a break! I don’t want to over work myself, etc., etc, etc!”

Maybe if you’re self aware and honest enough with yourself you’re able to see right through your own crap.

Or maybe not and you’re delusional. As I said in my post about ‘How to tell what someone really cares about’ some people believe that there is no relationship between what a person is and what a person does. This is bull secretion. Unless you are schizophrenic, you become your actions.

So what to do?

I think the only resolution you should make is to be brutally honest with yourself.

But of course, if you’re not, you’ll rationalize that too.

1 huge annoucment and 2 small ones (The all new MyBodyTutor is coming soon)

We’ll start with the huge announcement first:

My sister is having a boy!!! Early May can’t come soon enough. (I’m sure she feels the same way.) I figure we’ll start training when he’s 3 months old and we’ll add weights to the mix once he’s 2 years old.

The first small announcement is:

I joined Twitter. A few of my clients strongly encouraged me to join. I’m doing this more of an experiment because I really don’t understand the purpose of Twitter (the way most people use it). So I’m going to try to make all of my ‘tweets’ as they call it, have some sorts of value…

Follow me! My thingy is

(I’m going to do an entire post on my thoughts on Twitter.)

The second small announcement is:

The all new MyBodyTutor is coming soon. I keep saying that but it really is. We’re testing and debugging and tweaking and doing all the final (and necessary) things before launch.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. I am a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. (I always knew being a perfectionist was a good thing!) I’ve put my blood, sweat, and sleepless nights into this and I want it to be as great as it can be. Actually, I want it to be flawless.

When you have the luxury and ability to self-fund your company you don’t have to answer to anyone. If I want to wait until I feel everything is perfect I can! I don’t have deadlines. The only deadlines I have are self imposed ones.

Even if it’s not ‘smart’ for the business; whatever that means. A VC-funded company would say get it done – no matter what – and your clients will deal with it. They’ll get over the imperfections.

My clients, I think, would be even more than forgiving! That’s not the point. I think it’s the attitude of: Grow! Grow! Grow! At all costs. Worry about the business first then worry about your clients.

But my clients deserve my best attempt at perfect. Why? They allow me to do what I love doing!

I want it to be perfect for my clients because they are my business! The notion of ‘losing 1 customer to get 10’ is not my style. You can never, ever, forget the person that brought you to the dance.

I’m not even close to the dance yet. I’m not even close! But we’re getting there. We’re headed in the right direction and that’s what counts. Step by step.

The new website is truly how I think of my company. It accurately reflects my vision for MBT. Everything from the colors to the logo to the wording to the pictures on the sides to the case studies to the emails to the application to everything I’ve obsessed over!

We’re not just building a front-end site. That’s been done for a little while already.

We built a custom application from the ground up because there is nothing out there like this. This is the main reason why redoing our website took so long. I refused to compromise on one single thing.

The application is incredible. It’s truly first class. The functionality is amazing. The intuitiveness built into it is something we worked very hard on too. And I can’t wait to show it off to my clients. I know they’re going to love it!

What the application allows me to do is to take this tiny little company and turn it into an organization and most importantly it makes the client experience 100% better than it is now and allows me to better serve them.

(I’m going to write a post that details exactly what the new website has once it’s up.)

In the mean time, I’d like to thank my amazing web team, TerraFrame, for working so hard! We’re getting there…

Stay tuned…