Just be

I was on the subway this morning coming back from a meeting with a client. It seemed as if everyone was in a good mood – looking forward to the holidays and the long weekend.

Everyone was sitting quietly awaiting their destination.

Then, this fairly young, good looking man walked through the adjoining subway car doors.

He was wearing army pants and a nice crisp army sweatshirt. It was evident he had pride in how he wore his army gear.

I offered him my seat. He looked at me and said, “No!” in a very shameful, almost embarrassed voice.

Immediately, this look came across his face.

A look of, “I can’t believe I’m about to do this and I really don’t want to do this.”

I just sensed it. He seemed disgraced at himself.

Right after that, in a loud enough voice, so everyone could hear him over the rumbling subway he said, “Hi. My name is Bill. A year ago I was in Iraq, serving our country and unfortunately, I lost my leg. My upper thigh is now becoming infected and I really need money to stop the infection from spreading. I’d really appreciate anything you can do to help! Thank you!”

As he was speaking you could hear a pin drop. I’ve never seen anything like this.

After he spoke about 90% of the people on the car pulled out their wallets and took out a dollar or two. It was amazing.

Bill wasn’t proud of what he had to do. He seemed disgraced at himself. I saw the look on his face right before he was about to do his shtick and as he was collecting money.

Bill’s expression on his face is an expression I will never forget.

I think everyone on the subway won’t forget it anytime soon, either.

All politics aside, sometimes, we need to just be. To live in the now and enjoy our surroundings.

We are all so lucky. Enjoy your health. Enjoy your friends. Enjoy your family. Enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

How do you see this? I want your input!


Either you saw it as opportunity is no where or (hopefully) opportunity is now here!

We can wait and wait and wait until it’s the perfect time no matter what our dreams are. There is never a perfect time. There never will be. Now is the time.

Every day people are making the best of their life. They see opportunity no matter where they are and are going after their dreams no matter what their situation, circumstance or fear.

These poor quality pictures were taken yesterday. Both on my way home from work. The first picture is of a break dancing team that managed to get over 150 people to stop in their tracks. And then got those people to give them a dollar or two. They were amazing.

The second picture is of a band. About 50 people were watching this band. And paid to do so.

Both of these groups are going after it. They want it. Whether they have nothing to lose or need the money, they are making the best of their current surroundings. Are you?

Opportunity is now here!

Here’s my question to you. I want you to fantasize a little. Day dream for a few minutes…

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

Let me hear it.

For all who say, “Exactly what I’m doing right now!” I admire you.

I’ll be there soon enough. And hopefully, we all will!

The million dollar question?

I asked my friend the other day if he would sit in a closet from 8AM – 6PM, every day, starting now until he was 55 years old.

Here’s the catch.

His pay would be $1,000,000 per year.

He replied with an overwhelmingly enthusiastic, “Yes!”

If you answered yes, maybe you should be a stripper. Or do something that makes a ton of money. Do anything, as long as you make a lot of money. Money is all that matters.

Who needs meaning in what they do? You might as well hate what you do, make all the money in the world and dread going to work. We all live more than once.

So, I ask you, one million boxes of ziti to sit in a closet…

Deal or no deal?

Play like you’re in College.

Hi! I’m in Delaware.

Wilmington, Delaware, Inc. to be exact. The incorporation capital of America.

I’m here on business with E&Y. I focus on the sexy world of hedge funds and private equity funds. It’s insane how much money gets thrown around. You should see the size of my hotel suite. It’s 4 times the size of my entire NYC apartment. And my apartment is not that small.

These hedge fund managers are getting paid millions of dollars. Often, for being wrong. What a gig. I don’t know many other jobs where you can make, not earn, so much money for not doing your job well. Weathermen can be wrong.

No matter how many times well-tanned, whiter than white teeth, Mr. Sam Champion is wrong; he’ll still have a job.

Most anti-preneurs seek job security. Everyone from teachers to doctors to truck drivers wants and demand job security. In fact, it’s a big deal when a professor or teacher gets their tenure. It’s customary to celebrate such an accomplishment.

But is job security really a good thing? There is a reason why college basketball is so much more exciting than the NBA.

I believe college athletes have something to prove. They are hungry, determined and are filled with a burning desire to get to that next level. They want to collect their pay day. They want it so badly that that treat every single play as if it were a tryout.

College basketball is what separates the men from the boys. Either they are going to play basketball professionally or not. They know NBA scouts are watching their every move with a microscope.

Once they make the NBA, they don’t have to worry. Something happens to 95% of all people. Whether it’s the guaranteed contract for $100 million for 6 years or a guaranteed contract for $75k for one year; the same thing happens.

I think complacency and the ‘it doesn’t matter’ attitude happen. I’ll still get paid, I’ll still have a job and I’ll still have health insurance and benefits whether I put the pedal to the metal or not.

Job security is a license to get lazy. It means you don’t have to treat every single day as it were a tryout.

What if your paycheck always depended on your performance whether you were the CEO or the janitor?

If you owned a company would you rather have salaried or performance based employees?

This world would be very different.

Are you really living your mission?

I go to the gym at least 4 x per week. I make it my business. Some of my best brainstorming sessions occur while I’m running on the treadmill. In fact, I try to run at least twice per week in the morning and then lift weights 4 x per week. It’s safe to say I am there often.

I’ve noticed there are two types of people that go the gym:

The experienced, determined and disciplined who want to get in and out and do their thing. They have fitness goals and take their health very seriously. Going to the gym is a way of life for them.

Or the inexperienced, lazy and weak who set a New Year’s Eve goal to lose weight, exercise more or get to the gym x amount of times per week. Their doctor either told them to go, they’ve gained a lot of weight, they are always tired or they don’t feel great in their own skin.

Either way, these two types of people are getting to the gym. Bravo.

My gym, and every gym in the world, prides itself on helping people achieve their fitness dreams. In today’s rapid world people want to lose weight now! It is very difficult to eat a healthy, balanced diet when working so much.

Billions of dollars are made each year selling ‘miracle diet pills’ to desperate, lazy and hopeless people. It’s not that hard to lose weight. It takes discipline, determination and will. Anything is possible. Set goals for yourself. This post isn’t about dieting and exercising, though.

My gym, which I happen to absolutely love, was just renovated and it looks incredible. For the price I pay, it really can’t be beat in NYC. As they invested money into the appearance and machinery of the gym, they are constantly marketing and inviting people for a free trial. Smart.

But, there are signs all over the gym stating how they want to help their members lose weight and achieve their fitness goals. Their business is helping people realize their fitness and health dreams.

Selling hope is a big business. Selling the potential to feel better and look better is even bigger. Revlon doesn’t sell makeup. They sell hope. People always want to buy things that will make them feel and look better.

But don’t make a point of stating it all over the gym.

Here’s why. The people who have no discipline at all have to walk past a snack machine with the most delicious, unhealthy, artery clogging candy possible. It’s directly centered in the lobby of the gym. Every person has to salivate before their workout.

How much do they really want their customers to lose weight? They are not only sabotaging some members but they are also going against their mission. All to make a few extra bucks, while appearing very cheap and tacky. Is that worth it?

What the heck does a mission even mean?

It states what you are in business for and how you are going to do it. Every morning your mission should get you excited to go to work. All of your decisions, business processes and ideas should be aligned with your mission.

They could easily fill the candy machine with protein bars and no one would have to be tempted to buy junk food. Or better yet, they should just not have a candy machine.

If you set out to build the most high-quality, superior computers in the world don’t use cheap components. If you want to compete with Ferrari and set out to build the best performing sports car in the world don’t use cheap parts. If you want to go into business and your mission is to serve the best tasting ice cream in the world you must use the best ingredients in the world. If you want to help people lose weight and are going to offer incentives and host contests every month, don’t have snack machines!

Live and breathe your mission, with every aspect of your business. Don’t go against it. It detracts from your credibility. And in business (and life), that is everything. It’s not worth a few extra bucks.

Live and die by your mission and you will attain far greater levels of success than you can imagine.

Don’t compromise. Ever.

The 5 Most Powerful Words in this World

Everyday I am overwhelmed by the amount of things I want to get done. At times, it’s extremely overwhelming and causes temporary paralysis. I have so many things I need and want to get done but I don’t know where to begin.

What happens when we have things in front of us we don’t want to do? We put them off for later. People naturally do the things they enjoy doing first. Whether it’s studying, work, going to the gym, etc., etc., we procrastinate.

If you say these 5 words to yourself next time you have a mundane task in front of you, they’ll really help motivate you to just do it!

If not now, then when?

That’s right, I ask you. IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN?

Stop procrastinating because the sooner you get the things done that you don’t want to do the sooner you’ll be able to do the things you want to do.

Remember these 5 words next time you don’t want to do something.

If not now, then when?

They can very well change your life!

Do you wish for success?

As I have set many goals for myself this year, it can seem overwhelming at times. Like with anything though if you have a plan you can accomplish whatever your heart desires. I believe a wish is a goal that hasn’t been written down.

If you haven’t written your goals, you are still just wishing for success. I find that when creating goals using the SMART formula helps to make them a reality. Ensure that your goals are Sensible, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Specific.

Here are also some pointers that can help you to make your goals become a reality.

• Phrase your goal in the present tense and assume success
• Put them in writing
• List the benefits you intend to receive by achieving each goal
• As you review your goals each morning and evening, picture yourself achieving each of them
• Anticipate the challenges you will encounter and plan how you will overcome them
• Take action and don’t procrastinate

Use the SMART formula and you’ll be astonished at how many of your goals are becoming a reality!